Friday, July 8, 2011

Magic Needle News July 8, 2011

Welcome to the Magic Needle Quilting blog. Hopefully, you'll find lots of news and useful information here. If you have news, suggestions, or links you would like to see posted here, contact me. You can bookmark this link to get back here easily.
At the last Magic Needle board meeting, it was agreed that a blog would be a great way to share the news and happenings for the Magic Needle Quilt Guild. On July 1st, I set up this blog and transferred all of this year's newsletters and links here so they will have a permanent home for those wanting to access them again. You can find them on the right side of the page.

On the left side, you'll find links to some favorite blogs and sites with tutorials, freebies, etc. If you have a favorite place you would like to share, just send me the link.

Just a note to say how excited I am to be the President for the new year.  I look forward to all the new projects we will tackle.  
Since I will not be there June and July (vacations) I wanted to tell you how much I will miss you.  Lys will be filling in for me and I know she will do a great job. 
Speaking of surprises, check out the attachment.  Hope you will enjoy it.
Thank you for letting me serve such a great  group of ladies!

(attachment )
It’s Magic!
Once a month, a group of ladies meet and perform magic! It’s amazing how we can turn simple cloth into such
beautiful projects. An indication of our talent was winning the ALS Quilters Dream Challenge. Now that was magic! So this year I have another challenge for you to perform your magic. Make a new nametag with the theme “Magic”.
Deadline: September
Angela, President

The board made a decision to no longer have minutes emailed to members. Minutes will be recorded by the secretary and read to the membership at guild meetings. A hard copy will continue to be placed in a notebook and may be viewed on request. A summary of what took place at each meeting will be included in the newsletter right here.

  • New officers and board members have been announced. (You can find the list in the June newsletter)
  • The jacket workshop taught by Edna at Piecemakers was good, but more time needs to be scheduled for construction and zipper application.
  • The Shop Hop date has been changed to the 3rd Saturday in February.
  • A letter was read from Jane D. letting us know she will not be rejoining at this time. She requested that we find a new storage area for our quilt show standards before the end of summer. We will certainly miss Jane and hope that she will rejoin us at a later time.
  • FOLLOW UP: This request has been presented to Piecemakers also and Lynn B. has graciously volunteered to store them at her home. We will need someone to help clean out the area and move the standards.
  • Education moment: Ginny demonstrated creating a quilt label by printing it into a document first, then laying your freezer paper backed fabric label over the document for accurate placement. The top edges of the paper are then taped so they will pass through the printer as one piece. 
  • There was an amazing display of Show & Tell. Members have certainly been busy! I don't have pictures from June, but beginning with the July meeting I hope to have pictures of all the Show & Tell to post on the blog. 
    • Edna showed her woven rails and tic tac mo quilts. Awesome!
    • Janet was very creative with a sling for her injured shoulder made from screening. How cool is that!!  Pun intended!
    • We got to see Emma's gorgeous double wedding ring quilt. Edna did the quilting on her long arm and brought it to return to Emma. Even she hadn't seen it since the quilting was done! Emma brought her g. grandbaby for show and tell. Breathtaking! ......Baby and quilt!!
    • Ginny showed off her creative skills with American Jane doll shorts and top ensembles and another Dresden table topper.
    • Joanne showed a small size quilt in blue and brown.
    • Carolyn showed off pictures of her new grandbaby.
    • Alice brought a wonderful bag made from charm squares.
    • Christine showed her bucket style tool caddy and her jacket from Edna's workshop. Can't wait to see that gorgeous jacket finished!
    • Judy showed off her "skinny" birdhouse wall hangings. A great way to keep quilting when you run out of wall space! These cuties would fit almost anywhere!
    • Mary Lou brought TWO bucket tool caddies she made, the patriotic table runner she finished from the AccuQuilt Go program we did in April, and a Dresden table topper in black and red.
Edna announced that she has purchased the Quilting Nook website. It will be changed to Marie's Sewing Nook.

After our June meeting we were treated to a wonderful "Cajun" cooked meal of Jambalaya, Gumbo, toasted garlic bread, and cake with fruit topping for dessert. This was prepared by our own Jo H. and was totally delicious!! A huge thanks goes out to Jo from all of us. AWESOME!!

July 14th we will have a salad luncheon following our meeting. Members can bring their favorite salads to share. This is impromptu and was not discussed at the last meeting, but should be good. We quilters love to eat and will make any excuse necessary to do it with friends! Remember to identify any ingredients that may cause allergic reactions such as nuts, mushrooms, shellfish, chick peas, etc.
July 16th, "Christmas in July," 9am at Heath Springs Baptist Church. This will be a shared workday with Piecemakers. Bring your project. Lunch is being prepared by the White House for those who signed up. Cost is $5.
August 11th will be our ice cream social. More information later.
September 8th is the day our nametag challenge is due. Our program will be demos by different members.
October 13th we will continue with demos by members.
October 21-23 QSC Pieceable Retreat
November 10th we will have a trunk show presented by Rachelle Apol. Rachelle has presented workshops and trunk shows in several areas across the country.
November 17th, Rachelle will return to us for a workshop, "Quilts From Photos." The workshop will be held in our room at the senior center. Rachelle has sent me the supply list and photos to be used for the class. Here are some samples of her work.

December 8th will be our Christmas Party. More details later.

                  FREE PATTERNS

Several of us have been meeting at the senior center to cut fabrics for ALS quilts. We even have a few tops made and ready to be quilted. Everyone is encouraged to come to the center on Thursdays to work on your own projects or on ALS quilts.
This came to me in an email. I don't know who the author is, but I wanted to share this with you all.

"The Quilt Holes"

As I faced my Maker at the last judgment, I knelt before the Lord along with all the other souls.

Before each of us laid our lives like the squares of a quilt in many piles; an angel sat before each of us sewing our quilt squares together into a tapestry that is our life.

But as my angel took each piece of cloth off the pile, I noticed how ragged and empty each of my squares was. They were filled with giant holes. Each square was labeled with a part of my life that had been difficult, the challenges and temptations I was faced with in every day life. I saw hardships that I endured, which were the largest holes of all.

I glanced around me. Nobody else had such squares. Other than a tiny hole here and there, the other tapestries were filled with rich color and the bright hues of worldly fortune. I gazed upon my own life and was disheartened.

My angel was sewing the ragged pieces of cloth together, threadbare and empty, like binding air.

Finally the time came when each life was to be displayed, held up to the light, the scrutiny of truth. The others rose; each in turn, holding up their tapestries. So filled their lives had been. My angel looked upon me and nodded for me to rise.

My gaze dropped to the ground in shame. I hadn't had all the earthly fortunes. I had love in my life and laughter. But there had also been trials of illness and wealth, and false accusations that took from me my world, as I knew it. I had to start over many times. I often struggled with the temptation to quit, only to somehow muster the strength to pick up and begin again. I spent many nights on my knees in prayer, asking for help and guidance in my life. I had often been held up to ridicule, which I endured painfully, each time offering it up to the Father in hopes that I would not melt within my skin beneath the judgmental gaze of those who unfairly judged me.

And now, I had to face the truth.. My life was what it was, and I had to accept it for what it was.

I rose and slowly lifted the combined squares of my life to the light.

An awe-filled gasp filled the air. I gazed around at the others who stared at me with wide eyes.

Then, I looked upon the tapestry before me. Light flooded the many holes, creating an image, the face of Christ. Then our Lord stood before me, with warmth and love in His eyes. He said, 'Every time you gave over your life to Me, it became My life, My hardships, and My struggles.

Each point of light in your life is when you stepped aside and let Me shine through, until there was more of Me than there was of you.'

May all our quilts be threadbare and worn, allowing Christ to shine through!

I hope to see you all at next week's meeting!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Magic Needle News Issue #4 from June 2011

JUNE 2, 2011

Time for another newsletter. I hope you find some interesting and useful information here this month.

Officers and board members for 2011-2012 are as follows:
President: Angela Faulkenberry
Vice President: Lys Hart
Secretary: Terry Harich
Treasurer: Emma Thompson
Board members, Angie Faulkenberry, Lys Hart, and Terry Harich serve until 2012
Cherie Hulse, Barbara Lowery, and Emma Thompson until 2013
Programs: co-chaired by Cherie Hulse and Terry Harich
Membership: Barbara Lowery
Sunshine and Nametag have been combined with Treasurer. Emma will take over these positions.
Historian: Cherie Hulse
Newsletter: Terry Harich
Nominating Committee for 2011 included Emma Thompson, Cherie Hulse, Ginny Vandersnick. & Christine Williams
Magic Needle will have it's regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, June 9th, at 10am. I would like to remind every one that membership dues are now due for 2011-2012. Remember to bring your Show & Tell!

The combined birthday party with our Piecemaker sisters in May was wonderful! Everyone had a good time and enjoyed the tea party.
Happy Birthday wishes to Loyrece Elmore and Christine Williams who, according to my list, share a birthday on June 13th!

This past month has not been especially great for a lot of us. I have heard from several members who haven't been feeling well. Angie has been feeling bad for several weeks, I'm having some problems with pain and inflammation in my hands and Emma's having similar problems. And for those of you who haven't heard, Janet fell again.....this time breaking her left shoulder! I know there are probably more of you I haven't heard from. I know this heat is also taking it's toll on energy and creativity, but hopefully with a little prayer, we'll all start feeling better soon and get back to the really important things like QUILTING!

I have several links for you this month with free patterns and a nice variety of tutorials that may interest you. I hope everyone will enjoy these.

Free applique patterns

I ran across this great tutorial a while back and thought some of you might find it useful. I'm reprinting it from the website below.

From Chris' Quilting Space  Lots more useful info on this site.
A while back there was an article in The Quilt Life magazine which recommended doing enlargements using Microsoft Excel, along with a home computer and printer. It really works, so here are the steps:

1. Open Microsoft Excel

2. In the File Menu select Page Set Up; select Margins; set footer and header to “O” and set the margins to .5 on all 4 sides; select “OK“

3. In the View Menu select Zoom; change the magnification to 25%; select “OK“

4. In the Insert Menu select Picture; select From File and then find the drawing or picture you want to enlarge from your computer, click on it and then select Insert

5. Your picture/drawing will now be in the upper left corner of the Excel document. Click on it and then place your cursor on the bottom right corner square; click and drag your picture/drawing to the desired size. Each rectangle in the Excel program represents an 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheet of paper and when you press “print” it does …… and all the sheets fit together!

If you’re printing a photo onto printer fabric, the margins we left will provide enough space around each portion for seam allowance.

If you’re printing a drawing or pattern, the margins can be overlapped when the parts are taped together.

I hope this is helpful. If it seemed a bit confusing, open Excel and give it a whirl. You may be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is!

Explanation of Life

On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years."

The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"

So God agreed......

On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span."

The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the dog did?"

And God agreed......

On the third day, God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years."

The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"

And God agreed again......

On the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years."

But the human said, "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?"

"Okay," said God. "You asked for it."

God created ...So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you.

There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I'm doing it as a public service.

And that's it for June. Until next time......


Magic Needle News Issue #3 from May 2011

MAY 7, 2011

It's time for another Magic Needle Newsletter. Actually, it's a little late because I've been pretty busy lately. You all know how that goes. On with the news.

Our last guild meeting was followed by a program using our Accuquilt Go cutter to cut a table runner. Participation was good and everyone enjoyed learning to use the cutter. All the participants went home with their projects cut and have promised to complete them and bring them for Show & Tell at our June meeting. I know for a fact that some of them have been completed already! I would like to encourage all of you to learn to use the Go and take advantage of this time saver. The guild has a mix and match set of dies that can cut almost any 12” pieced block. We also have a 2 -1/2” strip cutter die. If members show an interest, we can order some of the other available dies.

For the last three Thursdays, several of us have had a blast using my Sizzix die cutter to cut some wonderful appliques from fused fabrics. Some of these are very intricate cuts that would be almost impossible to cut with scissors. There are just so many possibilities for using these cuts for quilts. These ladies have turned into shape cutting MONSTERS! You will be so excited when you see some of the creations from these die cuts! I've ordered even more dies that should be here by next Thursday so if you want to try it out, join us at the Senior Center. We've found that cutting 5” wide strips across the width of a roll of Heat & Bond Lite is the perfect size. Just cut some strips, fuse it to your fabric and you're ready to cut!

The month of May is designated for ALS awareness. As a feature of the “Anyone's Life Story” campaign, thirty one people from across the nation are chosen to be featured on the MDA/ALS website. One is featured each day of the month. Janet has been chosen and her story will be featured on May 13. That's next Friday. Please put it on your calendar and visit the website on that day. The web address is

I ran across this information recently and thought you might be interested. I know we've all heard a lot lately about copyright issues and that quilters must ask permission from pattern designers before putting a quilt in a show, etc. This information will answer a lot of your questions.


Are you on Facebook? If you are and are interested, Bernina USA is having a contest for a sewing room makeover on their Facebook page

I actually had more links to share, but forgot where I filed them. I'll find that folder on my computer and have them next time.


Just a reminder that we will not be having our regular scheduled Magic Needle May meeting on May 12. Instead, we will be joining Piecemakers on Monday night for a combined annual birthday celebration. Those who signed up for the “Tea Party” will meet at 6pm on Monday, May 9th at Heath Springs Baptist Church.

I didn't see any one listed as having a birthday in April, so if I missed an April birthday, I apologize.
These people have birthdays in May. Happy Birthday to all of you!
Millie Faulkenberry, May 4
Janet Nelson, May 12
Ellie Lowery, May 14



Magic Needle News Issue #2 from March/ April 2011

March 27, 2011

Well ladies, it's time for another news letter. I got some great feedback from some of you about the last one and hope this one will interest you as well. I would like to encourage you again to submit your ideas, articles, links, and any items of interest you would like to share with your quilting sisters. So, help me out if you can. We all love interesting links and free patterns!

Our next Magic Needle meeting is scheduled for April 14th. After lunch our program will focus on the basics of cutting a project with our AccuQuilt Go. Everyone will have the opportunity to use the cutter to cut out a small project to take home and sew. Hopefully, everyone will finish their projects and bring them for Show & Tell in June. Our project will be a table runner using a simple block pattern. I'll also bring some of my own applique dies to demonstrate cutting fused shapes for machine applique if anyone would like to try them.
Supplies list:
3 fabrics, ½ yard each (should be more than enough) 1 piece will be for background, 1 focus and 1 for star points. Choose something for your backing, but you won't need to bring it with you. I recommend that you starch or use sizing and press fabrics well before cutting for best results. You don't need to bring your machines since you will be finishing at home. I'll bring project sewing handouts. If you want to try cutting some appliques, bring small pieces of fused fabric. Fused scraps from other projects work great!

I recently learned about this challenge from Moda and wanted to pass this on to all of you. I know there are some of you who have time to make just one block for this challenge. The challenge is to piece, quilt, and bind 100 quilts in 100 days using the Flag of Valor pattern by Minick & Simpson. Deadline for star blocks is May 1, 2011 so that Moda can have quilts ready by Flag Day on June 14th . The attached pdf file contains all the information and the pattern for the star block. The address is in the bottom right corner of the file. I'm making more than one and hoping you will join me in making a block or two for this very worthwhile cause.

If you signed up to take part in the charm square swap, the color for April is PINK. You will need to bring or send 24 pink charm squares to the next Piecemakers meeting on April 11. The key to participating in a successful swap is being on time with your squares and making sure the quality of the fabric is what YOU would want to receive! Squares from April will be distributed to participants at the May meeting.

As you all know by now, we are having a combined birthday party with Piecemakers instead of each guild having a separate party. It will be a catered Tea Party event. If you haven't reserved your place at the TEA PARTY yet, do it now! Contact Pat Ussery, or Lyn Baker, to confirm. The tea party will be May 9th at 6pm at Heath Springs Baptist Church.

The group met at Janet's house on March 19th . We had a great time creating little pieces of art using Janet's stash of leftover fused scraps. Show and Tell should be fun in April!

Those of us who attended the QSC Spring Meeting in Orangeburg on March 12 had a wonderful time! Our speaker was Susan Cleveland, author of Piping Hot Curves and Piping Hot Bindings. Her lecture, “My Eclectic Quilt Pageant,” was filled with fun and wonderful quilts. Lunch was delicious and the vendors were great. The class samples for this fall's Pieceable Retreat were nothing short of AWESOME! The biggest problem was trying to figure out how to take all those classes in one weekend! Seriously, there was something for everyone and something for every skill level. The classes this year cover a wide range of projects from traditional to modern, beaded embellishments to beaded jewelry, new block techniques, thread painting, doll making, quilted jackets, domestic machine quilting and long arm quilting. One of the most amazing and unexpected was a tuffet, an actual piece of furniture! From pieced landscapes to fabric dyeing, the class offering is not at all lacking this year. If you plan to go to retreat this fall, get your registration in soon. Classes are filling quickly.

Janet Nelson is downsizing and has several machines for sale. This is a copy of the email I received from her.

Ladies, I'm thinning the herd. I have the following machines for sale.

Two antique Singers, NOT featherweights, probably paperwts.
#1  black machine with gold decals and feathered faceplate. Case has been painted and might not be original. $150
#2. Black machine with gold decals, grooved faceplate. Leatherette case, wooden case of attachments. Beautiful stitch. Mint condition. $400
#3 Singer 150, circa 2001. Light weight machine, great to take to classes. $100
#4 older model Design-a-Quilt, free-motion, sit-down quilter. I have quilted six queen sized quilts and many wall hangings on this machine. Extends to 12 feet of table space. When not needed, 2 drop sides fold down to 4 feet x 30 inches of floor space. $850
#5 Babylock 5 spool serger. Bought from Ellie. $300
#3, 4, and 5 have instruction books and attachments.
Contact Janet if you are interested in any of these machines
Please keep in mind that we really need to use our room at the senior center more. We don't want to lose it! I realize that we get busy with other things. I've had other obligations the past couple of months and haven't been there much myself. But this room is too good to lose. There's plenty of room, good lighting, floor receptacles for plugging in our machines, storage, etc. What more could we ask for? We would really like to plan some projects and workshops, but we need more people to show up. If any of you can make it this Thursday, please come. Please email me if you can be there. 10 am seems to be a good time for most. Hopefully we can make some plans and do some quilting!
LINKS YOU MIGHT LIKE This is a wonderful quilting forum. I get a lot of information, tutorials, and links from here. I think this is the sign up page for their newsletter which is delivered each day with a link to the latest news on the forum.

The Quilter's Last Will And Testament*

I,___________________________,being of sound mind (a statement which does not bear close examination) do hereby record my last will and testament.

Knowing that __________________________________, my _________________ (husband, sister, or friend) hasn’t the least understanding or appreciation for, or for that matter, knowledge of my extensive fabric collection, which collection is suitably deposited in sundry places for safekeeping.

Knowing also that ___________________________ has already notified the local dumpster to pick up and dispose of the before mentioned collection "willy-nilly" (the thought of which causes me a most severe case of hives).

Therefore, I do will this collection and all other collections related to it, to my dear friend and fellow fabric preservationist, _________________________.

It is my wish that she/he, upon hearing of my death and obtaining clear proof that I did not manage, although goodness knows I tried, to take it with me, would come to my home post haste, before the dumpster, and search out my collection which is similarly stored at her own abode.

That she should rescue said collection and stack it in my quilting studio, along with my sewing machines, frames, old buttons, lace, patterns, quilts, dolls and works in progress.

After she/he has done this, she/he should purchase refreshments for my friends not yet departed, which friends are also her/his friends, and every last one shall be in that room and they shall hold a wake and say lovely and kind things about me until they run out and then they shall divide amongst themselves, by lot, my wonderful collection.

I shall be hovering over that very spot until this is done. _______________________ shall then quit this spot and close the door, leaving trivialities to those who do not understand. This is my wish on the matter.

Signed: ____________________ Date: ___________

Notarized: __________________ Date: ___________

*This is not a legal document

Written By Elinor Peace Bailey,
Published in "The Cloth Doll"
Spring/Summer 1990


WAIT FOR IT............

WAIT FOR IT.........


Til next time....


Magic Needle News Issue #1 from March 2011

MARCH 3, 2011

The  Magic Needle Newsletter is back! I hope every one will find something useful and enjoyable in it‘s content. I had hoped to get this issue out before the end of February, but  unfortunately, that did not happen.

I did not get a lot of response to requests for items of interest to include but this is what I did get for this month. Please contact me if you have news for the next newsletter.

“It Takes Charm”
Several members have expressed an interest in exchanging charm squares. This is a project that could be shared with our sister guild, Piecemakers. If you’re interested, contact Angela Faulkenberry,

The next scheduled meeting for Magic Needle will be March 10. After the business meeting the program will be a sewing workshop. Please have everything cut in advance to save time. Bring your machines and sewing supplies. We can share ironing stations. If you did not download the pattern when Angie sent it out, I have attached it to this newsletter for your convenience. If you do not wish to use this pattern, feel free to bring your own project and have a fun day sewing with your quilting sisters!

Did you know that March 19 is National Quilting Day? National Quilting Day was established in 1991 by the National Quilting Association. Officially, it is the 3rd Saturday in March. Unofficially, the celebration has expanded to the entire month. The purpose of the day is to continue the tradition of quilting through education and service . Quilt shops, fabric stores and guilds host a variety of events & classes throughout the month to expand the knowledge of existing quilters and draw a new generation of quilters into the craft.
Each year, the National Quilting Association introduces a new logo block for quilting groups and individuals to add to their Quilting Day quilt. In addition, the association suggests a service project and provides a pattern for use by any individual or organization. It can be a day to gather and work on an existing service project, or to start a new project. In 2010 the service project was sewing for the troops. Quilts created for this project are provided to veterans hospitals and other local organization providing support to the troops and their family members.
Here's a link to the National Quilting Association's free quilt projects including the 2011 "Build Your Own Log Cabin" pattern developed as a service project for National Quilting Day.

Here are a few links you might enjoy
Dancing Quilt Blocks
Bonnie McCafferey http:
Fat Cat Patterns (free)

For the past several months I have been participating in on line shop hops. There are great prizes awarded and you can collect blocks for some very nice quilts along the way. You can also find some wonderful quilt shops and great bargains. There is a new shop hop every month with new blocks to collect and prizes. The March “Fab Shop Hop” has just begun and if you like surfing the web, this is a great place to start. Here’s a link to the Fab Shop Hop with all the information and registration.

Cherie Hulse is missing a 12” square cutting mat which is the top half of her rotating board. It was last used at the Senior Center. Her name is on the back. If you happen to find it, please contact her.

Happy Anniversary to Mary Lou and Billy Mosley on March 20th . 51 years of wedded bliss!

Happy Birthday to these members who have already had birthdays this year and members who will be celebrating birthdays this month:
Lys Hart, our president and first birthday of the year- 1/1
Linda Blackmon- 1/13
Judy Phillips-1/17
Sue Edwards- 1/21
Brenda Marshall- 2/2
Jean Rushing- 2/6
Kelly Bishop- 2/14
Edna Drakeford- 3/21
Terry Harich- 3/27

I sincerely apologize if I’ve left any one out. My list may need updating.

Everyone is encouraged to join us every Thursday at the senior center to quilt, talk, eat, and just plain ole have fun socializing with each other. We will be planning some special projects, do hand work such as applique and crazy quilts, make ALS quilts and anything else we take a notion to do! The guild has an AccuQuilt Go fabric cutter and an assortment of dies available to members for cutting quilt projects quickly. Members are encouraged to use the system at the center to become comfortable with using it, then rent it for a small fee for at home projects. Any money collected from renting it will be used solely for replacing cutting mats used with the system and purchasing dies.

Meets monthly. Contact Janet for details. Regretfully, I have missed the last couple of meetings and don’t have new meeting details.

Scientific Study Reveals Hypnotizing Effect
          A recent study has indicated that fabric gives off certain Pheromones, that actually hypnotize women and cause them to purchase ungodly amounts.
          When stored in large quantities in enclosed spaces, the Pheromones (in the fabric) cause memory loss and induce the nesting syndrome (similar to the one squirrels have before the onset of winter, i.e. storing food), therefore perpetuating their species, and not having a population loss due to their kind being cut up into pieces and mixed with others. Sound tests have also revealed that these fabrics emit a very high-pitched sound, heard only by a select few, a breed of women known as 'Quilters'. 

  When played backwards on an LP, the sounds are heard as chants “buy me, cut me, sew me!" In order to overcome the so-called 'feeding frenzy effect' that these fabrics cause, one must wear a face mask when entering a storage facility and use ear plugs to avoid being pulled into their grip. (One must laugh, however, at the sight of customers in a fabric store, with WW2 army gas masks and headphones!).

   Studies have also indicated that aliens have inhabited the earth, helping to spread the effect that these fabrics have on the human population. They are called FABRIC STORE CLERKS. It's also been my experience that these same Pheromones cause a pathological need to secret these fabric purchases away when taken home (or at least blend them into the existing stash), and when asked by a significant other if the fabric is new, the reply is "I've had it for a while".

(Originally published in August 1997 in the Western North Carolina Quilters Guild Newsletter)

I hope every one who went to the big sale at Springs Creative was able to find a place to stash the huge bags of fabrics I saw leaving the building. The Pheromones were definitely at work!

This issue of the newsletter has come to an end. Please let me know what you would like to see included in future issues. The format will be changing when I have some time to work on it. Any and all suggestions are welcome. ‘Til next time……….keep on quilting!

Submitted by Terry Harich

Previous Newsletters

I've decided to post our previous newsletters so they can be available to members who like to refer back to them. These will eventually be archived, but available when you need them. Our new newsletters began in March 2011 so there will be nothing available before then.

Welcome to the Magic Needle Quilting Blog!

It's kickoff day for our new blog! I'm hoping this blog will serve as a way to share information from the Magic Needle Quilt Guild. Plans are to begin posting the monthly newsletters here, links to tutorials, interesting sites, photos, and anything else our members would like to see. I hope you all enjoy it. If there's something you don't like, such as the font type or size, just leave a comment. I'll do what I can to make it easy for everyone to read. Please bookmark this page so you can get back here easily.