Ladies, I did a full day workshop with The Singer Featherweight Shop on maintenance and trouble shooting for our darling little machines. I'll be happy to offer the following to all our guild members in both guilds who own Featherweights:
$30 Routine Maintenance (black machines; white machines $25 as motor and gears don't require lubing)(Should be done at least twice a year, even if you don't use your machine much and especially if you do. Also, if you haven't used your machine in a long time, this needs to be done before you start using it again. For example, you only use your machine for retreats a couple times a year...have it serviced before the next retreat.)
1. Gear cleaning and lubrication*
2. Motor lubrication* (So important because replacement motors are expensive and hard to find!)
3. Oiling interior moving parts
4. Motor belt tension adjustment
5. Bobbin case and upper tensions adjustment
6. Instruction on bobbin case base assembly oiling (should be done every time you replace your bobbin)
7. Troubleshooting and minor parts replacement**
8. Exterior cleaning and polishing to protect and preserve your machine's decals and make it shiny and pretty
*I will use the specialized lubricant that is designed with the low temperature melt point that is required for our Featherweights to protect their gears and especially the motor.
**Of course there's going to be a parts charge and a little extra for labor for this, and if I think it is more than I can do I'll let you know and we can send it off or take it to Featherweight Poppy.
Thanks for sharing this!