Friday, January 20, 2012

Life Happens and I Get Way Behind!

Once again  life gets in the way and throws me way off. Better than the alternative, I guess. I haven't updated since early November, but found November's Show & Tell I had already uploaded, but not posted. Here they are.

I needed a place to display Cherie's applique project from QSC retreat so I could take a picture. I warned her to pay attention! Just ignore the plaid borders. That's actually her shirt! Sorry Cherie....couldn't resist! The little Halloween wall hanging is really cute!

Cherie's making a Tic Tac Toe with x's & o's

Joanne made this wonderful pastel baby quilt for a G. grandchild.

Oh Judy, what do we have  here? Judy made this from something she saw on Alex Anderson's show quite a while ago. She's now embellishing it with beadwork. She took a beading class at QSC retreat.

A sample of stitches Judy learned in the class

Another of Judy's class projects. See the dangles on the bottom?

This was another of Judy's projects from a mystery quilt class at QSC.

The stockings were all made by Christine. She said she calls them trash stockings because they're all made from scraps she fished out of other quilters' trash cans!

Our newest member, Nadeerah, made this gorgeous quilt! Her color choices are wonderful!

Time for the Emma portion of Show & Tell. We're beginning to think she never sleeps! This is a finished prayer quilt she made from sale fabrics bought a week ago!

Emma didn't make this one. She just quilted it and put the binding on for someone else!

Jo created a monster when she demonstrated English paper piecing last meeting. Now Emma is hooked. We'll probably see a finished Grandmother's Flower Garden in the near future.

Emma made 2 bags from a pattern she got at QSC retreat.

And she SMOCKS, TOO! This is Emalia's Christmas dress.

Angie's QSC beading class project. She 's got dangles, too!

Angie's sample bead stitches.

A block Angie did to play around with shadows.

This wasn't actually supposed to be part of Show & Tell. Angie had her other things packed in it. This was from Priscilla Hair's New York Beauty class. Angie got bored after a few blocks and made a bag instead of a quilt. We like it!

This is my bag from Ginny's workshop in Heath Springs. This one I'll put away til next summer.