Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The rest of the news from August!

Our August meeting ended with a luncheon and ice cream social. Members and guests really enjoyed the food and socializing with each other!
Special Event Sept. 29th
We will have a very special quilting event at the senior center on the last Thursday in Sept. The project will be a surprise until you get there. Cherie, Janet and myself have been carefully planning this event to include a lot of fun, food, and PRIZES. I sent out a supply list to those of you who registered. You really don't want to miss this! I previously told you to be there and ready to start at 10, but we need to move the time up because we have so many participating. We need everyone there at 9am to set up and be ready to start promptly at 9:30. Please don't plan to leave early. Others will be counting on you! We will finish at 4pm. If you've lost your supply list, contact me and I'll re-send. Lunch will be provided as well as chocolate! We'll have the coffee pot going and hot tea if you like. Dress for comfort! Don't forget the Go cutter is available at the senior center on Thursdays to cut your strips for this project.
ALS Quilt Project
Although we are not participating in the Quilters Dream ALS challenge at this time, we are continuing to make quilts for ALS patients. Janet will be taking quilts to clinic when she goes.  We have quite a few tops finished and most are already being quilted by Edna. Donna from Piecemakers has also generously agreed to help with the quilting and has several of them now. Thank you to everyone who is helping with this project. If you're not helping but would like to, some of us are at the senior center almost every Thursday. We've added a shelving unit in one of the closets and now have fabrics folded and on the shelves. If you have fabric to donate, bring it! We would love it if you prewash it, but will do it ourselves if necessary.
Don't forget that the nametag challenge issued by Angie is due at our meeting tomorrow, Sept. 8th. The theme should be Magic or Magic Needle related.
Interesting Links
I haven't had a lot of time for surfing the net since the last newsletter, but here's what I have. Maybe these can get you started on some ideas for Christmas.
Here's one for a water bottle tote
A new link has been added to places to visit on the left side of the blog. "Plain Jane Threads" is the website of Jane Godshall who is a member of QSC. 
Next meeting is Sept. 8th, 10 am at First Presbyterian Church. Our program will be by members teaching members. Angie has a project planned and has kits made. Please bring your scissors.

On the Lighter Side
Are you afraid of the Quilt Police? Well, here she is!!

 Be afraid. Be very afraid! Janet will be presiding as the quilt police at our special event!

August SHOW & TELL

We were all amazed at this completely hand pieced quilt top made by Ms. Hallie. She is 92 years young and almost completely blind!

Angie finished her applique BOM.

Angie's applique wall quilt

Angie's jacket from Edna's workshop

Alice's sudoku

Alice's patriotic wall hanging




Table topper by Mary Lou

and another by Mary Lou

basket runner by Mary Lou

cover for electronic reader by me

Jo's hexagon flowers for GFG

Emma's taking smocking classes.......She made this!

Judy has been so busy, she has too much to list! July & Sept. theme quilts,
McKenna Ryan applique, Joy wall hanging, fencepost & flowers

more of Judy's

Edna's "Princess Flowers"

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September's here already!

Where did the summer months go? Kids are back in school, the gardens have produced nearly all they can for this season, and most of the canning and freezing is finally over. I think we're all ready for some cooler weather and ready to get back to some serious quilting.
I'm running a little behind with news from August so let's get caught up on what's been happening.

Magic Needle News Sept.7, 2011
A quick word from our guild president
Quilting! Isn't it the best hobby in the world! Not only do we get to play with fabric and color, but we make great friends. From beginner to expert quilters, we always have a common bond.
In August, we lost a dear friend who was a wonderful person.  I treasure the time we all laughed together, just as I look at the future time I will have with my ladies of the guild.  We truly live up to our name of the Magic Needle Guild.  I don't tell you enough how much I enjoy your friendship!

August Meeting
We had a wonderful time at our August meeting. Almost all of our members attended and we had several guests. One of our guests also became a new member!
November workshop
A special guest, Rachelle Apol, gave a description of the November workshop she will be teaching. "Quilts From Photos" promises to be a lot of fun and has generated a lot of interest from our members. A sign up sheet was passed and already has almost the maximum for the class. If you haven't signed up, do it soon or you could miss out on a great workshop! The workshop is scheduled for Nov. 17th at the senior center.
Christmas in July
Members who attended the Christmas in July event with our sister guild, Piecemakers, reported having a wonderful time. The White House prepared an amazing lunch for the group and provided a great fabric shopping discount as well!
QSC Scholarship Quilt
Angie announced that tickets for the Quilters of South Carolina scholarship quilt are available for $1.
Show & Tell
Our August Show & Tell looked like a quilt show! We had an amazing number of items shown! Rachelle Apol brought some show & tell to show us what can be done with her technique.

See next post for the rest of August Show & Tell and the rest of the news!